Hi my avocado plant is only a about 6 months old, but I left if in a cool (hallway) for a month while in the states and came home to find the leaf tips brown. My husband watered it a couple of times while I was gone, but I don't know if the problem is related to water. The hallway is about 60 degrees all the time, rather cool for a human, but okay for plants. I have been watering it regularly since my return, but think I am still having some more tips turn brown. What's going on? Thanks
Hi Miragish, Avocado will do just fine in 60*F temp but the dry air indoors could be a problem. Inconsistant watering, letting the plant dry out too much or fertilizer burn from residual salts can also be a problem. Often when the tips turn brown it could be too much salt in the soil from synthetic fertilizers with avocados. These sites have some helpful info. http://www.avocado.org/about/growing_avocado.php http://ucavo.ucr.edu/AvocadoWebSite folder/AvocadoWebSite/General/Answers.html Newt