The following was sent in via email: I have purchased a couple of palm trees (fan type). The one in the fairly dark area of the hall appears healthy. The one by the south facing window looks sick. The leaves and branches are one by one turning brown and crispy. What could be the problem? Thankyou, Janice
Hi Eric, I see many of these posts via e-mail and I'm wondering why, when I take the time to answer or research these posts, I never get a response if I ask for more info or ask a question. This one almost seems like a joke. The palm in the sun has dried and brown leaves - fronds. Duh?? Newt
Yes it is somewhat of a dilema at times. Many people who have just discovered the site post questions as guests or send emails. Some pursue their interest and come back to join and take part in the forums. Others never find their way back. We try not to discriminate or censor posts and emails that are sent to us. You should choose the posts that you feel are worth spending time on. You can often tell by the amount of time people put into their questions how serious they are about learning the answer. I will try to be more vigilant and make the obvious answers to posts like this one. If one is doing well in less light and one is doing very poorly in strong sunlight, it is likely that this plant is getting too strong of light and that is causing the drying.
Hi Eric, Thank you so much for your response. I was very curious. I realize that many people don't register for a variety of reasons, but the e-mail questions I respond to just never seem to get responses back to me. You've cleared that up for me. Thanks again, Newt