I have a small japanese maple that was broken in a storm this winter. All that remained was about 6 inches of the trunk. Now that spring has arrived, it's sprouted a couple of tiny branches with a few leaves. The question is... Is there any hope of this ever looking as it once did? What should I do? Here's a photo of it.
Absolutely, but you need to be pretty patient. Keep it this year and see what it looks like at the end of summer. Plant a new one in the vicinity as well.
Hi, Looking at your photo, it looks if you have some of the graft wood surviving, if you get any buds above the graft, encourage these to grow, any others below the graft, rub out, as they will weaken any new growth on the scion. It will take 2 or 3 years, before you see any form with the tree, best of luck. Ashizuru........