hello everyone, this is my first attempt at broccoli. i bought a packet of seeds and planted them in little pots... it says it takes 10-14 days to sprout but about 60% of mine sprouted on the third or fourth day... is something wrong with that? also the first few to sprout grew from baby size (1/4") to 3" in two days and most are top heavy and leaning over a bit. what should i do? how often to water? please help! -beau
Broccoli is a cold weather crop. The small plant can take a lot of rough handling without damage. I plant the broccoli seedlings almost as soon as the snow disappears in Zone 5, about April 15 and they can even take a bit of frost. The last two years my broccoli was excellent. But when they are maturing or going into the flowering stage the weather should be relatively cool, probably a maximum of 20C or the heads will be small and the clusters are separated. Your seed germinating quickly is fine, but if they are too spindly this may mean lack of sufficient light. Watering is just keeping the seedling damp. The seedling are very hardy, much more so than most small seedlings. Look around in your area for commercial growers. I suspect there are none in your area, due to the fact that broccoli probably doesn't grow due to too high ambient temperatures. http://www.durgan.org/Blog/Durgan.html
Around here they are grown commercialy along with brussel sprouts. It is definatley a cold weather plant if you want edible heads otherwise they just shoot straight to flowers. It is a brassica and as far as I know it needs winter to do well. http://www.botany.com/brassica.html Liz