For the first time,we have planted some broccoli in our garden.(6 plants from a nursery). 5 of them have been doing very well to the point that we harvested one of them and had it for supper.Very good.We live in Gatineau quebec 25 miles from ottawa. My question is this,since we have harvested once,can we expect the plant to produce more or is this it????? The harvest was from the middle of the plant,no other fleurettes visible on the plant. Thank you for any replies...... Phil
Broccoli can produce continuously until it gets too cold for it to grow. New heads should form from each leaf axil after the central stalk has been cut. These later heads will be smaller than the first one, but their size will depend on how many form. The fewer heads that form, the larger they will be. I cut my broccoli back to 3 or 4 large leaves at the initial harvest; this usually allows fairly large secondary heads.
Thank you for the reply.There does not seem to be any chance of it going cooler anywere in the near future here.The next 7 days are all showing 30 degrees plus. I am watering every day in the morning.... Thanx for the info....