I planted two Brazillian White Cherry seeds yesterday in a seed starting mixture. If the seeds germinate and the plant grows I intend to graft a Brazillian White Cherry on a hardy cherry rootsctock (though I never did such thing before). The Brazillian White Cherry seed size and look is like any other sweet cherry because it is a sweet cherry. Any guess how long will it take to germinate at around 20C-21C (70F) in the moist mixture?
I am surprised that you picked this tree, this is a sub tropical invasive species. Are you intending to display it in your conservatory? The root stock is usually within it's specific taxonomic rank. Tropicals usually do not need a stratification period. However harder the seed shell is the longer it will take to germinate. It may take up to six to eight months of warm stratification. If the seed shell is hard as the wood, taxon Eugenia uniflora it may be up to year. However this waiting period can be sped up by using certain harmonies, humic acids, bacteria and scarification.
Thanks Richard. My first choice would have been a "Rainier Cherry" but I have had hard time finding a mail order Canadian nursery that would ship to Ottawa (such as Dinter Nursery in BC who say they serve only local customers & no shippinbg). I had a multi-grafted cherry tree with "Rainier" as one of four types grafted. I killed that Rainier branch by taking buds and shoots from it for graftings that failed (and my wife likes the colour of Rainier cherry fruit). Then recently I saw nice fat Brazillian white cherries in one of local grocery stores ($8/lb) and they looked almost like "Rainier" so I bought some for growing scion from seed. I hope it works but failures are sometimes part of hobby gardening. Thanks again.
http://www.plantexplorers.com/ This may be an option for you they are located in the USA and Canada, and they sell excellent seeds of all types.
Thanks. I will check this seed company if I failed to locate a live plant of Rainier Cherry tree this coming spring/summer.
All Fruit Nursery Stock Dealers and Cherries Well this link is the best I can do. It may not give you a nursery supplier in your neighborhood but I think the linked URL has listed most all of the fruit stock dealer . I am sure someone here will point the way on for ya. All the best of luck , send me a peck of cherries in a few. J http://www.goodfruit.com/briefs.php?brief=351