Specimen 1 At first I thought Urticaceae because of the similar looking leaves and the hairs. Now I'm thinking the flowers are too big for Urticaceae. I didn't take detailed notes, but based on the 4-merous flowers and the leaves being like Hesperis, I'm thinking Brassicaceae. I didn't take notes though, so I don't know. It was found on the edge of a sphagnum bog. See pics 1-4. Specimen 2 At first I thought Vicia sp, but it doesn't seem to match with any in my state. Nor does it seem to match any Lathyrus sp. Again, I didn't take notes, but I'm hoping someone can ID by site. They're all over right now. These were found in a dry meadow near an oak-hickory forest. See pics 5-7.
As far as I can see, the first one has 5 petals, not 4, and is a Verbena (e.g. Verbena urticifolia). And unless I'm mistaken, the second one is Securigera varia