"Very easy for Silver surfer". Hmmm.... I don't think so! I'm VERY stuck.... Still thinking ... Lila, you must be able to hear the cogs grinding,( in my brain,) in Budapest!!!! It is exquisite, what ever it is. It is good to have a new stumper. Thanks. Silver surfer.
Ah ha.... think I have got it!!! Very clever Lila.... an amazing close up! I will let it run for a while longer. Seems such a shame to spoil your teazer! Silver surfer.
Oh, now I am even more stumped. I thought the image was a tight close up on the centre of a flower, a bud, or fruit or something. I was expecting the little orange thing to be surrounded by something else.
Congratulations BJellyfish! Lila, I was way out. I would never have found that!!! There is virtually nothing on www about it. Where did you manage to take this beautiful pic?
Actually you can find some information when typing Napoleona rather than Napoleonea (but both writings are correct) I'm studying on several African groups and first saw this plant in the garden where I work...the flowers were hidden, but what a nice discovery! There are a few other species, with smaller but gorgeous flowers too. They were selling N. imperialis here --> http://toptropicals.com/cgi-bin/garden_catalog/cat.cgi?uid=Napoleona_imperialis
In Africa of course... :) No, unfortunately not in Africa, just in a tropical glasshouse! :))) (Pff, I was sure you have seen this tree, when you were here... :(