Pfff... unfortunately I don't have much better pics... :( Any guess? In which family could it be? It's a shrub/small tree from China and I have never seen it in nurseries (alone in botanical gardens), so I think it isn't in cultivation yet. Hm, and it's common name (it's english common name too!) is also strange... :)
Heptacodium miconioides? Common name Seven-son flower of Zhejiang. Do I feel so stupid. We have 2 growing in our garden!!!
The funny thing is that we bought the first one several years ago as Heptacodium jasminoides. A bit later, we saw another called Heptacodium miconioides, so got that as well. Only to discovery sometime later that they are the same thing, and are both now officially H.miconiodes!!! Ah well, we put it down to experience! As I have said before... learning all the time.They are super shrubs and grow quite quickly.
The tree growing here, from UBC Shop in the Garden, flowers well but is not getting the fruit and pink calyxes for some reason, maybe it's in too much shade. A nice photo here and Daniel has another of the bark here
YES! Congratulations! :) Wow, so you have 2 Heptacodium in your garden... :) Hm, it is very rare here, I have really never seen it in the local garden centers... unfortunately... :(
Thank you Lila for the exquisite close up of the leaf. I know this shrub so well..... yet I have never noticed the beautiful veins before. I have noticed the way the terminal leaf always seems to be under the last pair of leaves, that is what jogged "the little grey cells". I look, but I do not see! UBC forums are certainly making me more observant. It is sold by quite a few nurseries in the UK. Have you got stumper VIII ready for us all????