Yes I have just purchased a braided good luck plant and would appreciate it, if someone could give me some advice on caring for it . Do I treat it like a bonsai when repotting it. And anything else you think I should know. Thanks
By braided good-luck plant, I assume you mean the lucky-bamboo, Dracaena sanderiana--not an actual bamboo. You can find a lot of threads about growing them by using the Search function (on the green bar at the top of the page). Look for "lucky bamboo" and Dracaena sanderiana. Here is a link to a previous thread that will link you to another site with info: You may be talking about a braided money tree here though. It is a completely different plant but is also often sold braided and has a associated with luck. That is Pachira. Here is a thread about that one:
Braided Money tree Yes I have just purchased a braided money plant and I am trying to get some information on caring for it I have a couple of bonsai plants do i treat it the same such as repotting trimming roots etc and can i prune some of the leaves for it is very thick. or any other info you could give on caring for the plant.
Re: Braided Money tree Pachira aquatica Description Known as the "Good Luck Money Tree" in Taiwan, it is believed to bring good fortune. It's vital, tolerant to low light and dryness, and easy to take care. Keep indoor in a brightspot. Water once 2 to 3 weeks. It makes a wonderful gift for all occasions. Care Instructions Pachira Very tolerant of a range of conditions. Indoors, grow in a soil-based potting mix in bright indirect light or dappled shade. Keep soil constantly moist and apply a liquid-based fertilizer monthly. May be grown in quite small containers for a long time, in which case fertilization should be less frequent. As with all houseplants, reduce water in winter. Control growth by pinching back to any node. May even be cut back to the trunk to encourage trunk swelling, but this will to some degree happen natually. Don't let the pot dry out and don't subject to hot sun. Outdoors in subtropical areas only, in moist to wet soil and part sun.