I have 3 bougainvilleas. They were hit pretty hard with the winter freeze we had one night but are coming back. One of them seems to have that green vein/yellowish colored leaf. In citrus that's a nitrogen deficiency. What is lacking with the bougainvillea? Is it iron or nitrogen? What would be a good supplement? Any desert rats out there that can answer this question?
Hi Rose Lady. Sounds like your deficiency is chlorosis. Depending on how the leaves are yellowing will tell you what the deficiency is. Take a look at these sites for help to determine which. http://plantclinic.cornell.edu/FactSheets/microchlorosis/microchlorosis.htm http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/focus/chlorosis.html Newt
Thanks Newt! Great web sites. I have saved the information and will tend to my plants accordingly. Thanks again!