The following was received via email: hi, i am new comer to UBC BOTANICAL GARDEN FORUMS . I love nature & plants but i have very little knowledge about botany.So it is difficult for me to understand botanical terminology. Can i get any guidence ? thanks . neha
Hi neha: A handy computer reference for botany terms is It is a commercial site, but has a dictionary of botanical terms and section of common plant names. Another good source of botanical and horticultural info is The Royal Horticultural Society. Some of the conversation on the forums does use some botanical jargon. Using proper plant names avoids confusion. The more precise the description of a plant, the more likely someone will actually be able to identify it. I hope this helps. Hopefully others will share their favourite botanical references in this thread.
Do any of you know of a reference that contains botanical terms for plant structures, in perhaps an English-Japanese / Japanese-English format? Joseph Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Sorry, no, Timber Press has a couple good books on Botanical Latin though, perhaps that would be a good place to begin?
go to wikipedia type in plant anatomy or something like that. find the picture you want, then on the left handside you will see the list on languages. Click on 日本 and this will take you to the japanese version of the page you want.