I have the most beautiful Boston Fern plant,but some how every time I get one all the leaves fall off it! Am I watering it to much or to little or not getting it enough sun or to much sun ?Please help me with what I am doing wrong. I really like it a lot and don't want to lose it!!! Thank You....KeirraMiette
It's not an easy fern to keep. the best 2 i have are growing in hanging baskets, light position but not direct sunlight, kept on the wet side of moist.
but not too often (book says fronds are prone to rotting if too wet) told you it wasnt an easy fern :D also the book says high humidity and good ventilation, so maybe just mist around it...water with soft water.
my grandmother has a huge boston fern. she keeps it in front of their sliding glass door that faces due north and waters it about once a week. it hardly ever drops its leaves and is HUGE! maybe she just got a good one.
I have been keeping a Boston fern for years. One of the really lacey ones. They can dry a bit between waterings, as can most ferns, the trick is not to let them get too dry, or keep them too wet. Boston's can go a bit farther than, say, an Adiantum, which just whithers up if dry. I would say really good drinks and then allowed to 'almost dry' before another really good drink. Keeping a fern too moist leads to rot problems, and a skimpy- looking plant. Hope this helps.