I am a newcomer to the Creston Valley area in B.C., Canada. I have peach, apple, plum, cherry and pear trees in my yard and would like to also plant blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and grapes. I have very little knowledge regarding the in and outs of growing fruit and can use all the help I can get. Can anyone recommend a good Canadian book or website that can provide me with general and not too complicated information? Thanks a bunch, Leona
Leona, One good place to start is the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Tree Fruits site, which has factsheets for most of the plants you mention. The BCMAL site is quite comprehensive, though a bit hard to navigate (there are sections elsewhere on raspberries and blueberries, but they require a bit of digging).
You might try the Home Orchard Society. It's based in Oregon and is directed at the home gardener, so the info is not too complicated. Another interesting site for fruit growers is California Rare Fruit Growers. It is not directed at this area, but has info on lots of different fruits and lists some unusual plants you may wish to try. And of course you can always search the forums and ask questions here. Experts on the forums contribute valuable knowledge that can be hard to find elsewhere.