Hi there I am brand new to bonsais and would appreciate any links or advice you might have to best care for this tree: http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/544/34438831209061/1600/497152/image-upload-2-723476.jpg http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/544/34438831209061/1600/636374/image-upload-26-785464.jpg I was told it's 7-9 years old. It has a lot of little green shoots and I'm wondering how best to prune/pinch/care for it. Thank you!
Thanks for answering. Is it possible it's a Chinese pepper? That's what someone suggested in another forum. If so, I can't find pruning info anywhere! Are there some general guidelines? (what do you mean by "density leaves"?) Thanks!
You need to do some reading - pruning bonsai is not something to start out by using a couple of tips on the internet as it's so intrinsic to the art and if done badly can impact your tree for a long time. There are many books (there's a 'Used' category of bonsai bks at Amazon.com) out there and most will address the issue from basics to more 'advanced'.
could be pepper, if you pluck some leaves and smell pepper flavour. checked the roots system,trunk and branches, assumed it's boxwood. to prevent diseases, think about prune some leaves if too crowded.