Just a heads up that bois noir has been identified in Osiyoos BC. Apparently, according to today's CBC report, it was imported from France on plants. I should add that I am not a grape expert but thought that the info might be of use. Margaret
Here's the article We've received two media enquiries so far - we've directed them to the UBC Wine Research Centre
CFIA has been aware of this problem and another disease: "Flavescence dorée" for some time now and has changed the importation and quarantine rules and proceedures for grapes. I believe that the vines in question had been certified by the French or German equivalent of CFIA, so that is no longer regarded as sufficient for import into Canada. The treatments required are having a serious effect on survival rates (reports of 70% mortality). A leaf hopper Scaphoides titanus and plant hopper Hyalesthes obsoletus are the main Known vectors, and while neither have been reported in Canada, both are in the US. Ralph