I'm interested in growing blueberry bushes where I live next year(southern Arkansas,zone 8A). What species and cultivators would be good for where I live?
See if this helps. If it is for commercial growing might be a good idea to contact them. Liz http://www.aragriculture.org/horticulture/fruits_nuts/Blueberries/default.htm http://www.ipmcenters.org/cropprofiles/docs/ARblueberry.html http://www.actahort.org/members/showpdf?booknrarnr=715_5
Kuroc, I have about 20 varieties of blueberries. I selected my varieties so that I would have fresh berries from April thru August. In your area, you can probably grow most of the same varieties. My bushes are a mix of rabbiteye and southern highbush. I got mine from Finch Blueberry nursery in NC. If you just want a couple bushes, Tifblue, Woodard, Climax and Premier are old standards. You do need a pollinator with most. Skeet
Try Southern Highbush blueberries. 'Ozark Blue' is a delicious variety I have tasted; 'Summit' is another cultivar. Here is an informative website: http://msucares.com/pubs/infosheets/is1448.htm