Hi, We've noticed lately that our blue spruce has lost it's needles on several branches. There are some strange feathery-fuzz-like things on some of the remaining needles. Also, there's a few webs on it. Some may just be spider webs but I also found one cotton ball looking thing on one of the branches. Any ideas as to what it is? I can take some photos if it helps. Shane
We're in Virginia Beach, Virginia http://hitman152.dnsalias.com:81/spruce/2.JPG http://hitman152.dnsalias.com:81/spruce/3.JPG http://hitman152.dnsalias.com:81/spruce/4.JPG http://hitman152.dnsalias.com:81/spruce/5.JPG http://hitman152.dnsalias.com:81/spruce/6.JPG Hope these help.
Was this no help? :( I'll be happy to provide whatever info I can to help anyone identify the problem.
Hi Shane 1 Do a google for spider mites , and also sawfly.( include spruce in the search) 2 Start off with giving the tree a high presure spray of water with a little dish soap in the mix. It can be comon that the problem you are seeing now with the needle drop was actually cause several months ago. Regards Doug