My Blue Spruce Globosa (I think that's what it's called) has a bare trunk 2-3 feet tall then a flattened ball of blue spruce on top about 4-5 feet in diameter (if viewed from top). It came with the house I bought 4 years ago and every spring it's new growth makes it a few inches bigger. It's now growing into the side of the house which I fear will cause moisture problems. Can I take a hedge trimmer to it or otherwise prune it? Is there some annual maintenance I should be doing? Someone told me to pull the new chutes off of it every year. Oh, I also get bagworms every year. I don't want to hurt it. It's a beautiful plant. Kansas City, Missouri area. Help please? -=Vince
New growth can be shorted each year in spring or early summer, but these are already quite slow-growing. If it is now pressed against the house you will probably have to just cut off the offending branches back at the trunk, where these originate and have a bald backside to the tree. Viewed from the front (outdoors) it may still look pretty much the same.