I grow in profusion two blue plants that are amazingly attractive to bees. The pollen from one in particular is deep blue, bordering purple and beautiful to see the bees gather. I wonder how many bee people out there know the benefit of these two plants to their colonies. I attach two photos, one that is purple pollen plant, the second picture has this plant along with a flower from the other blue plant that as far as I can tell, the pollen is very light coloured. Anyone wanna take a guess as to what these two plants are. I know the names, but I am curious about response from people, curious about how many people recognize these two beauties that grow among my many, many other "bee" plants that I grow on my acreage. Good luck guessing. Cindi
I recognize the blue flower in the second photo from my own garden. It's borage & it's an edible flower that I use in salads. Am I correct? - Donna