Could anyone please tell me the name of this shrub, with masses of purple flowers with spreading white centers? Thank you.
I don't think so. Different leaves. And the white spreads out from the center - it isn't just concentrated in the center. Thank you.
There's not enough definition in the picture for a good identification. Did you find it in AZ? Is it a sturdy shrub at a bank or someplace? Does it get irrigated, is it in full sun, are the leaves crisp or soft, leaves opposite or alternate, stems woody, and anything you can tell us about it. Like I can't see how the petals are attached or if it's a tube flower, or what the stamens look like. In your zone and mine, we can have plants from all over the world. The shrubs that come to mind are: Tibouchina, Lysianthes, Thunbergia, and Brunfelsia. Those are each linked to pics from Wikimedia and from Floridata. I don't think any match your specimen any more than Duranta does.