I thought I bought a brilliant blue blaumeise hydrangea. But, as you can see by the picture, it appears to be coming out pink. Or, is this the normal life cycle of the blaumeise and it will eventually turn blue ?
Hydrangeas flowers are like litmus paper they change colour in response to soil conditions (& various other unkown & mysterious factors according to ME). This site has a good essay on the subject. http://www.hydrangeashydrangeas.com/colorchange.html Pink, blue, white - I no longer care - our garden colour scheme bit the dust long ago - but the plants are happy. gb
Ugh. Seeing the amazing blue colour in the magazine and on the Internet, and never seeing this particular variety in any other colour throughout my research I thought I was safe in buying "blue". Harumph. I guess I could try changing the colour... but who am I to fool with mother nature? I actually bought it to match the blue hydrangea blooming on the other side of the garden and property (that is owned by our neighbour in our adjoining duplex). D a r n. Gardening is not easy.
Oh, I dunno. I think we just make it difficult with our expectations. Ask your neighbour what HE does & match it maybe? Take a cutting of his plant? You could start a support group - Hydrangeas Anonymous (HA)! gb
i'd wait a couple of years and see if the roots growing down/out don't reach soil that has the particular nutrients to produce the blue flowers. you can treat the soil...that's only going to be good for one season and it's only going to affect the uppermost portions of the soil...as the roots grow down, they'll hit something different and treating at the top won't necessarily make any difference. i have one that started off with pink flowers...after a few years of growth, it now has some that are pink/bluish and others that are blue/purplish. i actually like the combination - makes for something a bit different (and i like to be different).
Wow. How interesting. Of course... you make all the sense in the world. I never thought how things might change as the roots grow "down" into the soil. Thank you. Patience is important to learn in gardening... Thank you.