Our Blanket Flower leaves started getting yellow spots on the leaves a few weeks ago (It is my first year growing them) I did some searching online but could not find any pictures that looked like what I am seeing. I’ve been treating powdery mildew on a plant near them but, this looks different. I wonder if it might be something to do with watering. I typically run the irrigation system at 5am every other day for 20 minutes. I’ve now changed that so that I skip two days between waterings. Thank you in advance for any assistance.
Yes, but they are prairie plants and need a lot of sun and a little water, so the vigor that they overwinter will be less than typical. It might be helpful to remove all the flowers and buds and feed with a ~high N fert like Miracle Grow or any liquid and grow as much foliage and as few flowers as possible for the balance of the year. (Normally counterproductive; it encourages floppy stems.) Also, remove the ugly foliage as new foliage emerges. They are almost better looking from a distance, and should be planted at the far reaches of an automatic sprinkler system, if that works for you. Ideal conditions are not always possible for everybody for every plant. We do what we can.
Grossly over watered! I live in hot and dry summer climate and if I water my Gaillardia it can be a couple of times a year. They thrive in dry, hot conditions. I don't believe they will be happy when watered twice a week. Also, mine live in a poor sandy soil and thrive without any fertilizing. Really, ether you grow Gaillardias or you water every three days and fertilize, you can't have both.