
Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Jay Jansen, Jun 9, 2004.

  1. Jay Jansen

    Jay Jansen Member

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    Abbotsford, BC
    I have just bought a new house which has a few VERY LARGE blackberry patches. Although very delicious, I'm sure, they are growing wildly out of control. What is the most effective way to do away with them?
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Hello Jay and welcome to the forums,

    Check out this thread:

    Himalayan blackberry seedlings - Help

    That thread will help you for succeeding years. For this year, though, I'd get a set of secateurs and some heavy gloves and "go to town". Or you might consider hiring a student for a day or two...
  3. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Hi Jay:

    Please wear protective clothing when dealing with over grown
    Blackberries or Brambles of any kind. You will thank me later!

    I agree with Daniel, if you have no interest in trellising, for
    example, some of the Blackberries for future use that you
    should go in and whack away like crazy at the over brush.

    The best thing to do is to get the bushes under control and
    the brush cleared out. Then you can go in an hand pull what
    is left if need be. It will take a while to hand pull it all out but
    you can succeed in doing that, I've done it. Sprays are okay
    but they will not kill the roots and the berries will be back
    soon enough. Personally, I would hand pull them out with
    a vengeance if I wanted them eradicated.

    In regards to hiring a student, I've been there and done that
    when I was the only hired hand as a teenager.

  4. barbgup

    barbgup Member

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    Vancouver, BC
    Know the life cycle of black berry bushes

    Most black berry bushes will die in the winter time!!!

    It would be very easy to cut them down or remove their root system, then I would plant some fast growing plants like laural to prevent the seeding to grow back or I would just cover the area with transparent plastic. The main function of the plastic is to scorch any new seeding of black berry or grass. After a year, lawn fabric can be used for controlled planting of selected plants.

    When you deal with black berry, patient is your best weapon.

    Good luck

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