My Cymbiduim orchid is develping black tips on the leaves which grow and the entire leaf turns black and breaks off at the base. Any help with this problem will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Photo would help diagnose problem. Could be one or more things happening: virus, temp, moisture, light, etc. Give us more info, too---how long have you haad the plant? What are its growing conditions? How much/often do you water/fertilize? and so forth. Is any part of the plant squishy? Bugs? My guesses: inconsistent watering; incorrect temperature; poor air circulation.
I've had the plant 4yrs, I keep it outside on the deck. It gets partial filtered light - not direct sun. It isn't squishy anywhere. I water it 2 x week and fertilize with a cymbidium food every 2 weeks. Thanks.
I don't really know the problem, but how often has it bloomed? Cymbidiums can take a lot of sun. Cymbidium leaves do eventually fall off, leaving a bare pseudobulb, but are you talking a lot of leaves, or just one or two?
To reiterate: a photo would be most helpful! Agree with kevin---leaves do fall off naturally, and there is a big difference between one leaf every so often and a LOT of leaves all at once.--- Djewoods' use of the phrase 'entire leaf turns black' makes me kinda leery, though...sounds like something other than the normal yellow-to-brownish-and off progression. If the plant has been OK for 4 years, must be a recent development. Any environmental differences lately? And, since the plant lives outdoors on a deck, I think that poor air circ. can be ruled out as a cause. Maybe the orchid is getting too warm?
Re the leaves going black. We had 4,000 odd as a commercial enterprise when young and one of my jobs was to remove these leaves. I think it is just part of their life cycle. I assume you have them in correct mixture so they are not getting waterlogged? Liz