I have hundreds of sunflower plants growing on my property, planted many years ago, never planted again by myself, as they self-seed so easily. It is the time of year where the birds are beginning to eat the seeds. This year I want to collect some for myself, not just leave them to the wild birds alone. I have chickens and think that they may be very good for a treat for them. Can the flower heads be cut off before the seed is completely mature? I am afraid if I wait until the seeds are 100% mature, there will not be any left for me. At what stage can the seeds be harvested, and will they continue to mature once cut from the stems. Elaborate please.
I never have such an abundance! How fortunate! I let the petals wither, and then keep an eye on the seeds. When most of them are no longer pearly white, the sepals should be showing signs of drying too. That's when I pick the flower heads. Then I lay them to dry, on a shaded screened porch. After another week or so, the seeds will readily pop out with a little finger pressure. Watch for little dusty bits from infested seed if you plan on storing them longer to reseed other areas.
Nice reply but I am requiring a different kind of information on how to harvest the seed. Can the seed heads (and these are big, some over 8 inches in diameter) be cut prematurely, to dry in a dry area. Do the seeds mature, if they are immature when harvested?