Black Pine - See Pics: Showing Dead Needles & Extreme Sap I have a 10 year old Black Pine showing extreme stress via lots more dead needles then normal and sap dripping in large amounts from higher branches. Any clue as to what is causing this? Thanx! nlaa
Looks like a Monterey Pine (Pinus radiata), not Black Pine (Pinus nigra). Check out Pine Pitch Canker, to which Monterey Pine is very susceptible
Michael may very well be right. It goes to show how important it is to know the area, that disease is not in my area so I didn't think of it. I see that disease also infects other pines and even Douglas fir. Great, just what we need, another disease slowly working it's way up the coast till it gets to us.
Thanx to you both! I do think that web-site on Montery Pines hits the nail on the head! My tree looks like the examples that site shows. I did not see what I can do to prevent further damage..........or save my tree? Any suggestions?
In that spot, cutting it down and replacing it with something less dark and dirty might be a step forward anyway. Look at Trees for Garden and Patio portion of Plant Selection Guide in front of Sunset Western Garden Book.
From the same site that Micheal gave you is an article about what to do. It seems like some trees can live with the disease. So I think it depends on how much you like the tree and if you don't mind living with falling needles and pitch.
Thank you for your other words the tree and I can live with it.......maybe........or I cut it down and plant something else. Unfortunately this tree is situated where it provides a great deal of privacy between me and my neighbors front door and living room windows. Otherwise I would make the decision to replace it a.s.a.p. thanx again! Nancy
Plant some other screening plants near it and then take it out when they have grown up. Italian buckthorn would echo the outline of the pine, yet being a broadleaf evergreen appears glittery instead of shadowy.
I did plant some xylosmas on the bank behind the tree.....I suppose this could grow up and screen the area eventually...... Nancy