Black Knot - Advice on controlling?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by tecumseh, May 3, 2008.

  1. tecumseh

    tecumseh Member

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    SW Ohio
    Hello all,

    I'm a newb to this forum and would like to post my first question:

    How may I elimination or control of Black Knot on a Ornamental Plum Tree?

    This year it is the worst I have seen it on this tree. This is first I have learned of it and have been trimming off small twigs over the past 3 years but this year it has attached a large limb. I have removed all that I can see. I would like to save this tree if possible.

    Thanks in advance!

    Sincerely, Tec

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  2. gardengirl

    gardengirl Member

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    Toronto, Canada
    We normally get this on the crabapples and fruit trees, unfortunately we cut it out as soon as we see it in the spring and they seem to do ok.

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