Today I purchased a Bird Of Paradise from my local Buckerfields and they couldn't tell me what to do to keep it happy so I'm hoping you can. I live in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island. I would like to keep it outside in summer and then bring it through the winter wherever you feel it would have it's best chance to survive. Also potting information would be very helpful. Thank you for your time. Kelly
easy to grow I put my BOP outside every summer in a shady spot in my garden and water/feed it regularly. It flowers every fall just in time to bring into the house for the winter (its just finishing now from last year). They like to be root bound and if you transplant them, forget about flowers for a season. good luck!
BOP Larry, do you overwinter it in the house and just keep up the whole watering and feeding program or do you cut that back a bit? Also what about positioning for light in the house. Also how long have you had your Bop & where did you get your info ? Thanks for your time, Kelly
Hi Kelly I grew it from seed planted almost 15 years ago. In the fall I bring the plant inside my unheated, enclosed front porch and put it near a south window. It gets pretty cold in there but does fine. I don't feed it again until March and only water it once a month during winter. I cut back any old looking leaves before I bring it inside and then again in late winter as some of the older leaves start to look a bit rough and the flowers are done. I've picked up information from many sources - plant books mostly, but from other plant nuts too. I was late putting it outside this year, but usually put it out in early/mid April when we get some warmer drier weather. Just be sure to put it somewhere protected from the direct sun and rain for a few weeks while it adjusts to being outside. Good luck with yours! Larry