I have a Bing Cherry Tree that in past years has provided an abundant amount of cherries. The last two years the cherries spoil and fall off, turning a brown color. Few cherries grow to maturity. I sprayed with Diazanon this year with little or no effect. The tree seems otherwise healthy. The tree is about 15 years old. It seems an insect is at work here, but do not know how to control? Live in the Pacific Northwest. Washington State. Any information would be apperciated. jcantrell1940@aol.com
Have you used a fungicide spray on this tree either during dormancy or while it was in bloom? Tell me about the fruit, did the fruit appear to get close to ripening and about when they were to be ripe started to turn brown near the basal end of the Cherry, become mushy to the touch, later shriveled up and fell off of the tree? Or did the fruit start to ripen and then turn a pale brown color on one side of the fruit, almost as if someone painted a small tan colored patch on one side of the Cherry, then it hardened, did not have a chance to become mushy and fell off of the tree? Or did the Cherry start to deteriorate from the top of the fruit first or from a brown lesion on the fruit, became slightly mushy at first where the deterioration was, dried up and then fell off of the tree? You will have to tell us what went on. If there was also dieback to any limbs as well as the fruit turning brown and falling off of the tree, then we will need to know what you saw of the damage. If possible show some photos of the tree and any dead or affected branches, limbs and stems. Jim
This is what I see on about 25% of my cherries. Sorry to break in on someone elses question but I saw the bolded remark and wanted to know what this is?
Don't worry about jumping into this thread if one of the three diseases I made mention of, as a brief idea of the symptoms as it affects the fruit on a Cherry, is one that impacts you as well. The symptom you highlighted is how Buckskin disease or Cherry Buckskin affects the fruit. Jim
were there more answers to this? I have the same thing happening....lots of blossoms, lots of cherries, lots of bees, then when the cherries are just getting a nice size ( right now) they start turning brown and falling off...they shrivel up too
I'm having issues with the cherry's turning brown on the very top of the cherry at the stem. All the cherries on the tree do this for the past 3 to 4 years. There is a green fungus on the trunk on side of it but not all over. The leave look good. Help pleas
Are the ends of the branches that turned brown curved? Like a shepherd hook? if so that is a classic symptom of fire blight.