My water feature doesn't have any trees around it. I tried planting gunnera last year but it died. Yesterday, I bought japonica fatsia and I'm about to plant it. I searched through the net and found out that this plant doesn't like sun and it will die if exposed continously. My questions are ... - does mulching help in protecting this plant from sun exposure? - Is this the wrong time to plant it? I planted gunnera at the about the same last year. - What plant would you suggest if this is the wrong plant for me? I'm a new gardener and still on a learning stage. I'm not sure what zone I live in ... i think it's zone 6. Thanks.
I wouldn't put the fatsia there, it will burn. Why did the gunnera die, I have several, G. manicata, and G. Tinctoria near and around the pond. The big factor with gunneras, is to water a lot, then water some more. If it died in the winter, then you need to remember to protect the roosts , I do a couple of thngs, first I cut the leaves, then place them upside down on the base, then I toss strw over the top. I only do this, because my gunnera are so big, that the leaves don't always cover it. It is a great plant, I think you should try it again. Another big leaf plant, that likes lots of water, is Tetrapanex P. huge leaves. Will also need winter protection. Cannas are into water, also calla lilies, and Alocasias have massive leaves, gives a great jungle look, if you can't find them, colocasia also loves water. You can buy the latter at Asian grocery shops under the name Taro.
Thanks Carol. I also bought a Canna with yellow flowers so it looks like I would have to plant that where the Fatsia was supposed to be planted. I was told by the nursery that it (the Canna) may not survive over the winter but it is cheap enough so I thought I would just treat it as annual. I think i will try gunnera again but I will do so in the spring when there are lots of rain. I suppose I could return the Fatsia to the nursery but I really like the leaves. My yard is just so bare but I do have a shady corner where I planted 2 Camelias. I read that Camelias are prone to bugs and disease. It will be very crowded in that corner but would it be safe to plant the the Fatsia there?
I've never had problems with my Fatsia, I'm sure it would be fine. They can get fairly big, so you should keep that in mind. My cannas are fine throught he winter, I mulch them with loads of straw. never lost one yet.
HI Carol Are you saying that the alocasia/colacasia is hardy here and can be planted in the ground? I have mine in a pot to bring in, but if it can be left out that would be so much easier. Charis another plant you might consider would be Petasites, it is similar to Gunnera, but does not get as large
Alocasias, I bring in ( never want to risk them to find out about hardiness. My colocasias come back from the ground every year, but I mulch them for the winter. Petasites Japonica doesn't like sun.