Big Leaf Maple Question

Discussion in 'Maples' started by janepots, Apr 17, 2006.

  1. janepots

    janepots Active Member

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    Lantzville, B.C.
    We have a huge Big Leaf Maple, and this spring, the new growth looks very patchy. . There are a few in the immediate vicinity that are similarly 'skimpy', but one that we can see a few hundred yards away is lush with blooms and the leaves are farther along as well. We had a much smaller one die back at the top, then struggle for a year before we dug it out..We have no idea what was the cause of the smaller ones' problems. I looked up this species on the govenment sites and they appear to be very tough..the wet, wet spring we have had shouldn't be bothering it and they are supposed to the resistant to root rot.
    I hope it is ok as it is right outside our window and is home to many critters.
    There is the possibility that each tree opens its leaves at it's own pace, but because of the patchiness of the growth, I am really noticing that my tree looks very different that the very healthy one in the distance.
    There are a few limbs I can see that have no growth on them at all. Is this just natural self pruning?
    Thanks, Jane
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Prone to an assortment of maladies, actually, same as other maples. Maybe your site has become infested with verticillium. Sampling and testing of roots of declining bigleaf maples in Washington Park Arboretum, Seattle revealed infestation with several kinds of water molds.

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