Hello everybody! Iam a new member from Sweden, and its the first time I visit this forum. (I hope I do things right than I post my qusions. ) Iam working in a little plantshop in Uppsala, Sweden. We are now in busy with our orderlists with bushes and trees fo the next season. It would be nice with a little help about some treequestions. For the moment Iam specielly inrested in generally Betula and Acer information. Someone that feeling ready for some questions ? David S
Welcome, David. The guidelines for the forums are to try to keep one question or 'thread' on one topic, but please feel free to post as many questions as you would like, and to make contributions to any thread that you choose. Scroll down on the Forums home page to the Maples forum to post questions about Acer, and to the Woody Plants or HortBoard for questions about Betula. This way people who regularly check into only certain forums will see your questions and comments.