I'm taking my mom on a belated mother's day trip to a garden. What garden will have the best things to see this time of year? My mom sent this list of suggestions: Queen Elizabeth Park UBC Garden Van Dusen Minter Garden near Hope Minoru Garden in Richmond Stanley Park Various Private gardens in Langley (some of which grow only rhodo's?) I remember reading somewhere that UBC has clematises that grow very very high on trees, and you can see them at a certain time in spring. Is it too late?
This being May there will be plenty of growth and flowering at most. It's really a matter of what kind of thing she likes. What are her interests? If the UBC clematis you read about were C. montana this May-June bloomer is just coming on down here, so it may be a bit early for Vancouver - this will vary with the site, of course but there is a tendency for the floral calendar there to be about two weeks behind us.
Yes I think it may have been C. Montana I read about. Maybe I'll wait a few more weeks and then check out UBC. I think my mom and I decided on Minter Garden. I don't remember if I've been there before. Maybe, when I was a kid.
Thank you. I definitely enjoyed our time at Minter Garden. I posted some pics in this thread.. feel free to scroll down and check them out! http://www.clubvibes.com/forum/topic.asp?whichpage=10&topic_id=444892 My mom has been telling me about this one all year.. white and green leaves. Any idea what it is? http://photos-e.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v282/17/115/505137699/n505137699_482132_9949.jpg
Queen Elizabeth has been busy with grade 12 students, all dressed up, using the backdrop for their photo ops. It was certainly extra busy last Friday. Van Dusen and UBC has features of interest for me, anytime from April onwards. What about Darts Hill Garden for Rhodendrons?
Odd! Clematis montana has been out in flower for several days here at 55°N, despite a late, cold spring.