what do you guys use? i have used the bayer 3-in-1 insect, disease and mite control as a drench and/or spray, and it seems to work decently well. when i use it as a drench (most often this is how i use it), i then spray affected plants with an organic insect spray - the new ecosmart product seems to work well, as does the captain jack's dead bug brew (love that name, lol). but... i would like to find/use another systemic that is for insect control only, not a combo product (the bayer concentrate is a little pricey), and one that is either granules, can be used as a drench, etc. most products are intended to be sprayed on to the affected plant, which is fine if you only have one or two plants that need treatment/preventative treatment; when you have two dozen, a spray bottle doesn't go very far and is not very cost effective. plus, and this is the real kicker right now, most products are not to be used/sprayed on if the temperatures 75-80. HAHA!!! right now, we're lucky if the overnight temperatures go that low; typical highs for us have been 95 or higher for the past month, with temps all this week expected to be 105-112 - without the humidex. also, while general insect control is desired, i need something that will take care of mites/spidermites too - i am dealing with my second outbreak thus far this summer - and a lot of the labels for the various insecticides/systemics do not indicate that they treat/eradicate mites. thank you!!!