One of my favourite maple is having trouble recently. It's been raining a LOT recently and been very windy ; however being placed behind a wall facing south, the edge of some of the leaves are turning black, and they are scarce compared to my other maples. It's a young maple, three/years. Leaves shrivel a bit. Thanks for your attention. Fabrice.
Sounds like you're having exactly the same weather as us.Twice I've had to bring the maples with new leaves back to a more sheltered spot to avoid this happening.I always get some blackened new leaves if the weather is as you say but you've got enough developed leaves for it not to be a concern.Noticed something's been nibbling the leaves and I think there's a couple of aphids there too...again not serious but it doesn't help :)
Thanks Houzi I have just used Neem Oil as a few more sunny days are ahead. I am glad it's the weather in a way, not fungus or worse. My nursery man just told me he had lost 400 maples this year due to adverse weather.
Hello, I see you use Neem oil from your post above. Be extremely careful using that on or near your Japanese maples during the growing season, especially on tender new growth. My wife loves using Neem oil on many of our plants and hedges. Any overspray that hits my Japanese maples burns the leaves. They end up with brown spots all over the mature leaves. The tender new growth fails very similar to what you have pictured (there are many things that could cause what's in the photos, so I am not saying Neem oil was the cause. I'm just sharing my experience with Neem oil and the varieties that I own).
Thanks. I'll be careful with that too ! I'll leave aphids alone as long as they're not blackening my maple :)
I smash them with my fingers or hit them with a stream of water that is hard enough to knock them off, but not so hard that I am damaging the leaves.