What looks like japanese beetles with a hard case green and brown shell, seem to be wrecking havoc on my canna leaves, they are just ripping into the leaves and eating the flowers. How does one go about eradicating them for good? I got a spray from Lowes, it seems to work on them, but they just keep coming back. Your thoughts?
there are some that were trying to get to my corn this year. I go out every morning before work and every afternoon when I get home and pick them off by hand. Then I throw them in a bucket of soapy water that I keep sitting in the garden. I was told that this sends out a pheremone(sp?) telling others to stay away. I don't know if it works or not but what can it hurt. Every day I go out there, there are fewer and fewer beetles. Today I only picked one all day. Can't complain about that, and my corn, all in all, hasn't had to sustain that much damage. All looks good. Good luck!