beautiful orange flowers-help id Can you help identify this for a friend...he thought it was either a large bush or small tree.
Have a look at this.
A leaf pic,location, or more info may help. Some kind of Mahonia or Berberis? Flowers drooping from the weight of the rain ? Flowers do look similar to some of those shown at the link.
I know..the rest would really be helpfull, but it doesn't appear we are going to get it!! This is a note from him... "Nope, its the only shot I have of it... and it was definitely a large bush or small tree... I suppose it could have been a vine on the tree, but I don't think so. The flowers are about the size of large marbles."
Perhaps another type of Senna then? We have these here in Ecuador, with the upside-down configuration even when it's sunny. The most I've been able to get out of locas is that the tree's a Senna...