Hey busybea, Here is the How To on attaching images: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=725 Let me know if you have problems or questions. I realize a lot of people only know plants by common names and I think it is reasonable to request that people give you the common names, but I hope it is all right with you if people include the botanical names. When people ID things on this site, they will generally use the Latin botanical name. This helps clarify the identification as the names are much more precise. Personally I try to give both.
The problem with trying to stick to common names is that these are not universal. That's why scientific names were developed in the first place. "Laurel", for instance can be any of a number of unrelated plants. I just answered another thread with common names only but I think the poster will be able to tell which particular plants they were, especially since the discussion was region-specific.
Re: bea's ufo's pictures first of all i would like to say sorry, but finally got my pictures to send . identiication in any form is good.please include common name .
If you get a latin name and want to know the common name, you can just type the latin name into google or other search engine, and you will probably find a site that includes the common name as well. It is always dicey to issue orders for how people are to answer your requests. Also, some plants don't have common names. I'm still not seeing your pictures by the way. It isn't sending you want to do, but attaching.