"Battlestar Frontenac" -what is it? This is a puzzler from another forum I'm involved with, maybe somebody here can help. This is the only growth of it's type in the vinyard, growing on a "Frontenac" vine. Any ideas? http://www.littlefatwino.com/battlestarfrontenac.jpg Ralph
Ralph - not much help, but I did want to let you know I spent a bit of time looking through some references on this and came up with nothing. Are there any more details?
Sorry, no further info. The closest I have found is some kind of gall midge, but no direct hit so far. Ralph
Here's a picture of the little beastie inside the gall. I should add that this is an isolated occurrance of no immediate concern, but I'm pursuing it out of curiosity. Lasioptera vitis = Grapevine tomato gall midge has been suggested. Sorry but the original picture is gone. Ralph Edit: adding the original picture (I hope). Monday, Sept 12/05. RW
Lasioptera vitis - Grapevine tomato gall midge Below is a link that shows what the galls look like on the leaves. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/images/766889925 The above link came from this link. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/BODY_IG071 Below is a link that shows another photo of the Grapevine tomato gall. http://www.caes.state.ct.us/PlantPestHandbookFiles/pphG/pphgrap.htm This link gives an overview of the Grape Tumid Gallmaker - Janetiella brevicauda Felt http://www.nysipm.cornell.edu/factsheets/grapes/pests/gtg/gtg.html Additional photos of the Grape Tumid Gallmaker. http://lenewa.netsync.net/public/Guidelines_2005/PicPages/Tumidgm3.htm Jim
Actually all the information from the above post coincides with the original photo and the photo and information supplied by Ralph. I am not all sure what is going on with this Grape either. If the original photo reappears we may have more to work with.. I think we may need to know where this vine is growing and has it done this before showing the misshapen Grapes in the bunch with the white crystal formation at the basal ends of the Grapes. Is it a Frontenac - red wine Grape or is it a Frontenac gris - green wine Grape? Someone may have to ask the University of Minnesota later what is going on with this Grape but it sure is and has been a good brainteaser. Jim