hi, im new here. i tried posting on another site, but it didnt seem to be active, so here i am. i recieved a basket full of plants from someone and the tag only said "green plant" so the plants are unidentified. i have images of the 2 sickest and ironically theyre the ones i like most too. i also have no idea whats wrong with them. the one with bigger leaves has one leaf going yellow, and is going limp. the other is drying out on the tips. i have no clue whats up except i had to seperate them and move them out of their origional basket the florist put them in because the water was stinking real bad.
the one in the background looks like a palm, perhaps a young areca palm, the other is probably a maranta or herringbone plant.
these are te rest of the plants that were in the basket im not quite sure of what kind of palm it is, but i do agree it looks like a young palm. the other is still a mystery, but its realy pretty. i will go ahead and attach the rest of the plants, and yes.... they were all squished into a tiny basket. these are unknowns, and planted 2 to a pot (i ran out of pots). i included the last one of the mystery palm again.
the palm I think is a Parlor Palm (neanthe belle) the one becide I can't tell from the pic maybe some type of croton? below the palm again it's hard to tell but try searching dieffenbachia picta camilla again ? on the one next to it the bottom one is philodendron similar the the regular heart shaped but used in floral baskets and dosn't seem to get as big!
#1 - palm, #2 cant tell from the pic, #3 - Dieffenbachia, #4 - maybe coffee arabica but not sure, #5 - looks like a pothos, from the last batch (first batch) the Maranta (aka herringbone plant) is still my thought.
I totally agree on the Maranta (Herringbone or tricolour) prayer plant, I also think that 4 maybe a caffea (though I have never seen on in a basket arrangment though there is alway's a first time) but I'll argue that that last one in a philodendron scandens.... Jimmyq what makes you thing that it's a potho? Gotta love a good mystery!
thanks! i just wanted to say thanks for the help with these names. no matter what i do, the herringbone plant just keeps dying on me - its too bad , it was one of my favorites, but thanks to the name help,i have care instructions for most of the plants. They are picking up well. they were all in pretty bad shape before. the plant with whitish leaves like the prayer plant is poisonous, so its a good thing that one is figured out, since i do have a very curious 3 yr old. you guys have helped alot.
I cant help you with the palm, but the othe unidentified beauty looks like a prayer plant. It is a popular item in mixed baskets. It likes very bright but filtered or indirect light and likes to be evenly moist all the time. The leaves fold up at night like praying hands. If it is well cared for it spread, hangs over the pot and produces small lavender flowers. I would guess that your plant is needing more sunlight and possible a dose of miracle grow since it is a bloomer. Good luck Dizz
I have a plant that looks like the one in front of your double picture. Green leaves with maroon lines through the leaves and purplish under the leaves. I have been trying to figure out its name with no luck. I have had to move it several times because it will droop over and when I move it all of a sudden it perks up. Beautiful plant. I need to know more about it though. Thanks.
that one in the first pic is a red viened prayer plant .. they like morning sun and humidity .. mist it . and they grow pretty lil white and purple flowers .. mine has been in bloom constantly for over 3 months now .. i have it in my bedroom and it is growing like crazy .. the regualr prayer plant just grows white flowers this one is white with a purple throat..it will send up a spike that looks like a new leaf but instead flowers come out ..they only last one day then it will bloom again on the same spike the next day good luck with it Marn