Base - before planting

Discussion in 'Garden Design and Plant Suggestions' started by gramju10, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. gramju10

    gramju10 Member

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    Mechanicville, NY
    This is a new site to me so hoping I'm using it correctly. I have a small sloping hill on which I have a man made stream running into a small water garden. It has been put in very recently. I want to put some plants alongside the stream and do not want to use a floral or green groundcover. As the hill obviously does slant downward, if I put mulch or topsoil alongside ,it will wash down the hill. Is there anything I can use to surround the plants that will not wash away. I know there are small "pea stones" that could be used but I prefer not to use stones either. If there is nothing else available - what plant could be used as the groundcover near an area that will be moist and partly shady?
  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    if the plants will be subject to the water from the stream (as in they'll be planted at the edge of it with no barrier in place), then you'll need things that like boggy conditions. since it's also a shaded area, you'll need to choose from ferns (japanese painted are quite colorful), siberian lily and hosta. you could also do bleeding hearts (not sure how much moisture they like though - so, maybe put them on the outer part and put ferns right next to the water). the hosta also might need less moist conditions and might need something in between them and the water, as well.

    helliobore (sp?) is another good item for shady spots - again, not sure about moisture likes/dislikes for that one. one of my fav shade lovers is heuchera - they can do fairly well with moist conditions as well as drier conditions.
  3. gramju10

    gramju10 Member

    Likes Received:
    Mechanicville, NY
    Thank you. You have given me some good suggestions. I'll check them out at the garden center soon.
  4. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Jute erosion netting.
  5. gramju10

    gramju10 Member

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    Mechanicville, NY
    Thank you. I will check into your suggestion. I'm new to this so anything helps.

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