Have neglected the rose garden for the last 2 years, and this year decided to try and get all the girls to their original glory.....have been doing well however 90% of them only have one or two stalks at the most- and the dreadfull candelabra look- or a tree ... I wonder if anyone can help with ideas of how to promote new basal shoots to come next spring??? Haven't lost a rose yet - have about 20 - the only ones doing great are all my climbers..new shoots galore.. thanks in advance M
bunch up the soil around the base of the canes. i did that inadvertently and when i moved the mulch away (a month or so later) there were new canes coming up. then a couple of months after that, i saw the tip posted on a forum (not this one).
If you have "neglected" your roses for that long, it is possible that diseases, lack of nutrients, lack of pruning and inconsistent watering may have weakened the plants. The key to those large new basal breaks (canes) is a good root system. This can only be achieve through giving them good care over the next one to two years.