We have bought daffodil bulbs in the Fall the year before last ...350 to be precise. We had a great display the first year and then if 20 flowered this Spring I would say that this is the full amount of blooms. Should we expect these bulbs to flower the next year even though they gave us a super display or should we buy fresh bulbs every year? Our "throw out plants" such a hyacinths and dwarf adffodils do well year after year. By "throw-out" I mean plants we have bought for the house and then plant in the garden after they have bloomed. Some of our hyacinths we have had for l5 years and they bloom every year. Please help. Thanks
2 agents that cause daffodils to diminish in this area are narcissus bulb fly and inadequate soil fertility.
Bulbs that are planted in an area that is wet through the summer (for instance, a garden bed where you water for your summer plants) will rot and die. If you pull them out and replant in the fall, they'll bloom again. If you plant them in an area that is dry through the summer (side of a rockery with good drainage, planters you move into the garage after spring) they should come back.
I planted daffodils and I fertilize them so they get good nutrients for more blooms. Also, make sure the soil's well drained so the bulbs don't rot.