I was given a bare root lemon tree for Christmas. There was some misunderstanding between all the givers and the tree wasn't planted for about 2 weeks after it was rec'd. When I rec'd at Christmas all leaves and tiny fruits had withered. I have it inside (cold winter) and have pruned it down to the stem. Looking thru the threads, it looks like it will need replanted in diff potting mix, but will it come back? I am not seeing any new growth at all, leaves, stems, thorns, etc........ When I scrape the bark there is a slight green color underneath, altho not as bright as it once was. Also, there is a graft and as I recently have some extra time, would I be able to re-graft if need be? Don't have any experiance with this type of thing. Thanks, Janay
All you can do at this point (other than repotting in a better media if you have one that holds too much water), is cross your fingers and hope to see some sign of life. Keep it warm (70 or so if you can) and don't water unless the top 2-3 inches are dry---it won't need much until you see some life and that may take some time. Good Luck-- Skeet
You may want to apply some bottom heat after watering it in. Bottom heat will help get going again if it is still alive.