This banksia was photographed in Perth Western Australia in February. Could I have help in naming it, please
Scanning through my copy of the profusely illustrated The Banksia Book by A.S. George (1986) I find the best match of foliage and inflorescence is found in B. attenuata, fairly common in the Perth area. I wander if the leaves are the same? in my photo they seem to be much shorter.
<> Dear Krystyna, We think your picture is B. media. It would have been planted in the University of WA grounds as it is not native to Perth. It is a shrub or small tree. Jim Barrow. Secretary.
Checking again in The Banksia Book, I am inclined to agree. The inflorescences are very similar and I was influenced by the location.
Thank you for helping. I found that I photographed it again in King's Garden in Perth but flower was in bud