Hey, I was wondering if this is a type of banana tree, or maybe some other palm. Any help would be great! Joey
I wouldn't doubt it, everything behind me and to the right and left of this is pretty much parking lot. I've never seen the trademark Bird of Paradise flower on this plant, is this not necessary on these plants?
Looks like either Strelitzia nicolai (Tree Strelitzia) or Ravenala madagascariensis (Traveller's Palm) both are in the same family but the flowers differ somewhat. White flowers on these guys, either way they take a few years to reach flowering age.
Could also be one of the South American giant Heliconias. In any case, it's getting blown away there - get it some better shelter if you want intact leaves!
I thought Heliconia too, but when I enlarged the picture the sheaths still at the base of the biggest plant look more like what I mentioned earlier, if it is a Traveller's Palm the leaves tend to shred even if the plant is well sheltered from winds.
Could be too, the smaller form of S. nicolai, if it ever flowers you'll be able to tell S. alba has standard single flowers whereas S. nicolai has more compounded multiple sheathed flowers. Never thought of it as it doesn't get sold here.