I have a banana plant, not sure exactly what kind it is but it was outside this last summer and it did great in mostly sunny to partial shade, we brought it inside this last fall before the first freeze and it did great inside it was growing steadily and putting off new leaves almost every week, however the last few weeks it has started to droop and hasn't put off any new leaves I am watering it about once a week, I'm not sure if it is not getting enough sunlight inside or if I'm not watering it enough, any advice would help. I'm thinking it may also have outgrown the pot it's in ?
Try contacting Bananas.org, enthusiasts from all over the world who grow bananas...... http://www.bananas.org/
What kind, Basjoos or Ensetes? Musa basjoos, I have two outdoors all winter. Its been cold so Ideally no new growth. Its gone a dark brown outer sheath but inside the stem its green. In Spring the dark skin will peel away. Some nanas do best outside except Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii is one I have which must be drained completely before storage. In Spring water sparingly and gentle...build it up.