Does anybody know what this plant is? I ran across it on a garden tour in Raleigh, NC (USA) and would love to incorporate it in my garden! Thanks
Thanks - does anybody know if this is something that should be kept in a container or could this be planted in ground without fear of it taking over?
As with horsetails (and running bamboos) spread indefinite when not contained. Note if it wasn't clear before that this is a primitive plant that disperses itself via spores and is not a bamboo or other kind of grass.
Thanks Ron! Pardon the ignorance, but when you say dispersing itself via spores, wouldn't that mean that even if it was in a container it still had the potential to spread to non-contained areas?
Yes: It's possible some might pop up elsewhere in the garden due to spore production. If you are interested in this kind of appearance from a plant without the nuisance potential surf "restio".
Hi, Reproduction by spores is only likely if you have quite damp soil. All danger of spore production can be eliminated by just pinching off the cones as they appear at the ends of the stems. I would only grow this restricted in a container as in a suitable habitat it spreads rapidly and is very difficult to remove as the rhizomes are deep and even small fragments are viable. Likes moist/wet soil and full sun. Ciao BrianO
Agree with Rough Horsetail Equisetum hyemale.