I have about 1 acre of bamboo on my property that I would like removed. There is about 20 varieties black, varigated, green, yellow, ect. Is there anyone that would be intrested in it? If not what is it worth so I could sell it?
I don't know if there are any seeds becouse the bamboo was here when we moved in, and I don't know anything about bamboo.
You have inherited a potentially valuable stock: I say potentially because you'll need to have someone who is knowledgeable about bamboo have a walkabout and ID your species, and you may or may not have a problem with bamboo mites (common in bamboo groves in the NW)...a serious mite problem would make the stock pretty much useless from a commercial persepctive. You could post pics of each on the 'bamboo and grasses' forum on this site, and likely get a lot of ID done that way. Depending on species, a large field dug division may range from $25-$250: typically many such divisions will be had from an established clump/grove. So, you can do the math: don't let anyone come and dig it up for free just yet, you may have several thousand dollars worth of divisions on your hands, and it's worth your while to ID each, assess the mite situation, and go from there. If healthy, and properly ID'd, you can put the word out on what you've got, and will likely generate a lot of immediate interest; wouldn't dig it until the fall, though.
How would I go about finding someone that is knowledgable in bamboo? And would they be willing to help me? thanks Debbie
To build a small privacy screen, I have been digging up bamboo from peoples gardens who have too much. If you are interested in having some taken away and planted by a gardener that will appreciate it just let me know. I will gladly get a truck and come out to take away some for free. I am not a professional though so the amount I would dig up would be small. If you are interested in doing some basic identification of the varieties this site may help: http://www.lewisbamboo.com/bamboo.html of course this is no replacement for a person with in depth knowledge. I hope this helps!
Some local bamboo specialists may be found in the sources section of the web site of the American Bamboo Society. At least a few southwest BC bamboo nurseries were listed there in the past.
There's a place called Bamboo World just east of Chilliwack on the north side of the Trans-Canada Highway. They might be interested in your surplus bamboo.